Water, Earth, and Fire

The Junction of Cancer Season, Capricorn Full Moon, and Leo Season

Wow, okay Cancer season I SEE YOU!

With the Cancerian waters washing up on the earthy shores of the Capricorn Full Moon, I would just like to invoke a gigantic collective (( e x h a l e )) because frankly, we earned it!

The massive inner world reset and deep dive into our most tender spaces revolving around relationships, the home, what we have been building, our career, our mental/spiritual/emotional health and wellness, and if any of what we’ve been working towards is even landing or not… this season was seriously potent and really hard work…. tbh it was exhausting as hell for me 😅 but we are rising up and out of this chapter!

The vision I’ve been receiving is of the pulling and pushing tides of the Cancer Waters that we have been treading in over the past few weeks and finally catching sight of the oasis, the island of Capricorn Earth, the Full Moon throwing us a rope and reeling us into land.

This Capricorn stability of really reflecting on what was processed during all of Cancer Season… the realization of what is working, what weeds need to be pulled from our inner garden, noticing what didn’t end up taking root and being able to apply these realizations to our outer world; specifically in our career path and how we want to show up in this world. What we are trying to offer and create, what is our legacy going to be?

Now that we have laid on the cool sandy shore of this Capricorn Full Moon Island, caught our breath, settled the mind, calmed the internal waters, we are now looking toward lighting the Fire of Leo Season to warm our bones and stimulate the action necessary to apply the realizations had while treading the Cancerian Waters. The swirling of that ocean has settled, the Capricorn Earth has grounded us and now we are being called to take action as the Leo Fire of Summer begins to awaken in and around us.

The energies are shifting and I can feel it so deeply in my bones. The subtle language of these celestial beings rings loudly in my body and all I can say is to continue to surrender into the cellular knowing that a Greater Plan is in place. None of this is of the mind, it is a vibrational relationship and conversation between our cells and all living things around us. The more we can release any story of what we think we might know about literally anything, and instead tap into the energetics as they arise in our bodies. Slow down enough to feel the Wheel of Time slowly turning in the center of who We Are.

This vibrational toning and conversation is accessible for every body on this planet, and I am here to help guide you into that place of authentic awareness.. Sharing my visions is just one layer of this cake, if you are curious to deepen this conversation, drop a comment or book a session, either way I’m here for it and I’m grateful for your wonderment in this magical realm we call life on Planet Earth.

Giving thanks for the grounding force of this Capricorn Full Moon, and the flames of Leo Season coming to warm our bones after an incredibly deep dive into the Cancerian Ocean. I can’t wait to see where the fire takes us.

~ until next time ~

All My Love 🤍🌿


To be Inconsistent