where the wisdom of nature

and the technology of our bodies

intertwine in a symphony of healing

Embrace the insight of the plants and let their intelligence guide you on a journey of self-discovery. Feel the ancient technology of your body align with the forces of nature, creating a harmonious dance of healing and transformation.

Explore the art of herbalism, dive deep into the practices of human design and inner realm exploration - experience the magic of heart resonance as you connect with the essence of all of Life.

I am here to move with you through whatever offering feels most aligned, if there is any other guidance or support you feel I could provide for you outside of these specific offerings, feel free to reach out to me directly.

Healing Plant Connections


Together we will unlock the secrets of ancient plant wisdom and embody nature's technology.

I will guide you into your own ability to connect with the Plants. Based on what your body needs for your healing journey both physically and energetically, we will put together an easeful regiment for you to follow focusing on lifestyle, plant allies, and energetic practices.

The Body’s Authentic Codes

sliding scale starting at $88/hour

Where we dive deep into the Human Design system to orient you to your personal design and authentic mechanics.

By unraveling your unique blueprint, I will guide you in how to move through the world with your authentic design as your map.

Find clarity in your close relationships and your experience in the world as you peel away the layers of conditioning that no longer serve you on your journey into your truest self.

Inner Alchemy Expansion Pack

5 pack of 1:1 sessions starting at $466

When you are ready for a deeper dive, we will embark on a transformative journey in hour long 1:1 sessions, where you will be guided into the more subtle layers of your Human Design while exploring the healing power of herbs for the physical and emotional bodies.

We will apply meditative techniques and accessible journeywork that can aid in tapping into the innermost parts of yourself. Through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern practices, you will awaken your inner awareness and unlock the magic within.

the natural world

will guide you

back to yourself