tap into the intelligence

that courses through

All of Life

The sacred practice of attuning to the language of the plants and embracing the divine technology of our bodies
is a human birthright.

Let these healing modalities offered through plant relation and communication, astrology, human design, and energy work guide you on a journey into your Heart’s Resonance.

Welcome to the world of Herbal Mysticism
where green magic and miracles await.

Every leaf and petal holds a secret waiting to be revealed, and it is our Human Nature to connect and communicate with the Wild World around and within us.

Step into the frequency of harmonious alignment and begin to watch your energy transform.

Are you ready to embark on the journey of your own evolution?

Jess Lofton

a little about

Green Mystic, Certified Herbalist, Facilitator, Speaker, Nature Advocate, YTT

4/1 Mental Projector (43/23)
Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon, Gemini Rising

honored to be carrying torches for ​many lineages and teachings :

Green Mystic Light of Nature Codes

Jane Bothwell’s Dandelion Herbal Center

Rosemary Gladstar’s School of Herbalism

Kindness Yoga 200hr course, certified YTT

Traditional Shamanic Journeywork

Permaculture & Natural Farming

Circle Leadership & Facilitation

Psychic Abilities and Energy Healing

Numerology & Astrology

Human Design Application