To be Inconsistent

The expectations of a content creator, a guide, a coach.. any of these new ways of being have this underlying expectation of consistency in showing up in who you are as a brand and an offering. I’m out here trying to break that and the more I get to know my true self and peel back the many many layers of conditioning, I am learning that I have an incredibly inconsistent way of showing up in this world in general, let alone in business or branding.

Sometimes I’m oversaturated with ideas and things I want to share so I freeze up and don’t end up sharing anything at all. Sometimes I am completely blank in my mind and have nothing to offer. Other times it feels like if I don’t post or share something regularly then will anyone even know I exist? These head games are what have kept me from even trying to really show up fully. Years ago when I was posting all about my health lifestyle, I was deeply conditioned by the generator aura and was showing up as a ‘super generator’… go go go, more more more, pulling doubles, at the gym daily… yoga 5 times a week…. seriously exhausting me just thinking about it 😅

So here I am, a Mental Projector with no fixed energy centers, no inner authority, and no fucking idea what this is going to turn into. Since tapping into Human Design and really applying the system of differentiation in my life I have begun to experience this massive softening and slowing down in my body. That means that I do not show up in this world the way the realm pressures us all to show up. I know deep in my bones I am not here to work my life away, but to bring my perspectives and passion for a good foundational system that can support humans in our continued evolution towards individuality.

While I am only a few years into this journey with Human Design, I have been actively seeking the why and the how behind everything for as long as I can remember. Learning my design and really respecting the system, going through the really hard self reflective moments of, ‘oh fuck I am like that’ or ‘I do actually do that, a lot…’ has helped me to get to this place of knowing.. deep knowing… that I am here to do things COMPLETELY differently from others, especially energy types.

Regardless of your design, there is deep transformative magic in applying this system to your life. It is an integral part of my multi-faceted way of being… and I am stoked to share more with you 🌿

That being said, this is my first blog entry ever. I have considered blogging for literally years now but have never actually known wtf I was doing so I would stick to IG or FB… now that I have a platform to share my insights, wisdom, thoughts, ideas, rambles… whatever… I am stoked. I don’t plan on any kind of rhyme or reason behind when and what I will be posting. Trust there will be lots of Human Design and Astrology, Plant Talk, Introspective Thoughts and Musings, and Reflections on lessons I am moving through as the stars work through me. Also trust that I will not be posting in a consistent way… but when it feels like flowing and moving through me. Info-journal style? IDK but we’re about to find out together ~ thanks for taking this ride with me 🫶🏼


Water, Earth, and Fire